Ask your contact about our virtual showroom!
Our expert is familiar with the processes in your industry and will be glad to guide you through the showroom!
Discover the versatility of STÜBBE centrifugal pumps and industrial valves. Either on your own (the showroom is freely accessible) or together with one of our experts! The contents of the virtual showroom are available in German.
Here you can find virtual 3D animations of the centrifugal pumps of all of our performance classes STÜBBE CLASSIC, E-CLASS and X-CLASS as well as a large selection of our industrial valves. An interactive function model, industrial industry solutions and a tour of the production facility* in Vlotho (North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany) are some of the other contents of the virtual showroom.
*This content is only available in a guided tour with a STÜBBE expert.
Quickly and independently navigate through the virtual spaces containing our centrifugal pumps, industrial valves and other contents.
View our centrifugal pumps in 360° views, from the inside or in exploded views. This content provides an extremely clear overview of the functions of our pumps.
Get more active than usual in the digital realm. When exploring our pumps and the function model you can trigger sequences and interactions by yourself.
In addition to the interactive media for our products, you can find industry solutions that make use of centrifugal pumps and industrial valves.
Our virtual showroom is available 24 hours a day. In addition, it is freely available from anywhere.
We will gladly provide one of our experts to guide you through the virtual showroom and demonstrate the products that are relevant for your applications.
We would also be happy to welcome you at our “real” showroom at our site in Vlotho (Germany). If you would like to request an appointment, please use our contact form.
Our expert is familiar with the processes in your industry and will be glad to guide you through the showroom!